Afton Oaks Civic Club maintains Kettering Triangle Park and the city-owned esplanades on Newcastle Drive and Richmond Avenue, including landscaping, tree maintenance, dog station service and irrigation. The AOCC also maintains the monument signs on Richmond and the associated flower beds surrounding them, as well as other Afton Oaks entry signage. In addition, we also perform limited landscaping services along the south side of Westheimer sidewalk and city right-of-way. Landscaping services are performed by outside contractors, with the primary contractor currently Houston-based LMC (Lawn Management Company). The AOCC aims to maintain first-class standards for its landscaping, consistent with the maintenance performed by the AOCC members for their own homes. To provide feedback on the landscaping, please contact
The Afton Oaks Civic Club maintains a regular program to add hardwood trees to the neighborhood, with more than fifty trees planted in common areas, front yards and back yards as appropriate and as funds permit. If you would like to nominate a location for a new tree, please contact
Neighbors are reminded that all trees in Afton Oaks are protected by the Deed Restrictions and may not be removed without pre-approval. For information, please contact