Deed Restrictions
Deed restrictions have been an integral part of Afton Oaks since its development in the 1950s, as these restrictions provide the basis for maintaining Afton Oaks as a pleasant residential, single-family community. Attached below for your information are the amended deed restrictions covering most sections of Afton Oaks. Deed restrictions are specific to the section and lot. Consult a professional advisor to determine exactly which restrictions apply to your property.
The Civic Club has appointed and the members have elected representatives to an Architectural Review Committee, which is empowered with making sure that any exterior home additions, renovations or new construction are built in compliance with the Deed Restrictions. City of Houston permits require you to certify that your construction is in compliance with your Deed Restrictions. Plans should therefore be submitted prior to permitting and initiation of any construction. See the listing of members of the Architectural Review Committee on the Board of Directors page for e-mail addresses.
The document is a copy of the amended restrictions for Afton Oaks Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Kettering Oaks which were recorded with Harris County on 1/6/2006.
2006 Deed Restrictions
The document is a copy of the amended and restated deed restrictions for the Greenwood Addition which were recorded with Harris County on 3/20/2006.
Greenwood 2006 Restrictions
These document are intended for information purposes, and are not a legal representation. The actual filings can be obtained from Harris County.